NEST Ruimte x Down The Rabbit Hole
✨ Proud to be part of this Exhibit ‘Arcadia – Garden of Earthly Delights’ by Nest Ruimte who provided art programming at music festival Down the Rabbit Hole. 18 contemporary painters have created a 32 metre long and six metre high (192 m2) gesamtkunstwerk called ‘Arcadia’ – Garden of Earthly Delights. This installation shows a garden with artworks as swirling plants, a modern-day Garden of Eden where one allows oneself to be seduced by lust and pleasure, by fantasies and the supernatural. It is a place where an energized crowd of human silhouettes and mythical creatures moves between day and night, between rules and ecstasy. Arcadia – Garden of Earthly Delights depicts a world that celebrates the absurd, the exuberant and the imaginary.
Participating Artist:
Johan Ibrahim Adam, Florentijn de Boer, Eugenie Boon, Bart Bruijn, Linhuei Chen, Arash Fakhim, Vera Gulikers, Sam Hersbach, Dominique Latoel, Tobias Lengkeek, Fiona Lutjenhuis, Janine van Oene, Robbert Pauwels, Hugo Rocci, Thijs Segers, Koen Taselaar, Hedy Tjin, Lotte Wieringa
S/O: Hester ten Cate, Daphne Verberg, Clara Ronsdorf, Julia Ruwaard, Andreea Neag, Susanne Koekenberg